June 2023

High school students at RCA submit their chip designs
Students at RCA officially submitted their designs to be manufactured. Each student completed and submitted their own individual designs as well as two collaborative class projects.
February 2023

Students at RCA begin learning about circuit design
High school students at Redemption Christian Academy in Troy, NY have started to prepare to submit their own circuit designs to efabless open shuttles in a class designed and taught by our student intern Dan Fiumara.
December 2022

RPI group has submitted a design to be manufactured at Skywater
The independent study group from RPI has submitted their first design to be manufactured at Skywater in Minnesota. Their chip aims to emulate an analog wrist watch by controlling an array of LED's.
September 2022

Students at RPI have begun working on their first chip design
A group of five students at RPI participating in an independent study under Drs. Hella and Kraft have officially started working on their own chip design with the goal of submitting their design to an efabless open shuttle to be manufactured.
July 2022

NYDesign attended DAC and Semicon West in San Francisco
Several of the members of our team headed out to San Francisco to spread the word about our mission and to meet like-minded folks.
June 2022

NYDesign hosted its first two workshops.
The workshops were administered to students and professors and introduced interested participants from a variety of schools to open source chip design tools and opportunities. The workshops managed to stay fun and lighthearted despite their technical nature.